Tree Risk Assessments

Tree Risk Assessment & UAV (Drone) Services

Many tree companies will offer an inspection service, however, often their recommendation is simply to remove the tree. Our experienced licensed and certified arborists have the ability to inspect your trees to determine any health or safety concerns. You will then be provided with a written assessment concerning the health of the tree, any possible issues, and a mitigation plan for dealing with those issues. Removal is a last resort option.

A customer may want a tree assessment for many reasons such as:

  • Interested in knowing the health condition of their tree.
  • Concerned about neighbors' trees bordering their property.
  • Determine if something can be done to preserve the tree instead of removal.
  • Inspect populations trees on large properties such as condominiums.
  • Determine the extent of storm damage.
  • Desire Aerial footage of your stately trees.

There are 3 different levels of assessment that we offer. Each varies in thoroughness as well as price. Here is a basic breakdown of the different levels.


This is the quickest but least thorough assessment service. The arborist will assess visually from a predefined perspective the individual tree or population of trees. The arborist may not walk around the entire tree.

Purpose: To identify obvious defects or adverse conditions. The focus is on identifying trees with an imminent or probable likelihood of failure.

Services Included:

  • Visual Inspection of at least one side of the tree from a 'walk by' or 'drive by'.
  • Identification of possible targets if tree failure occurred.

Ideal Circumstances:

  • Assess neighbor's tree possibly threatening your property.
  • Assess large populations of trees.
  • Immediately following a storm to assess any damages.

This is the quickest, but least thorough means of assessment.



This is a more detailed visual inspection of a tree and the surrounding site. The arborist will walk all around the tree, visually inspecting visible roots, trunk, and branches as well as the overall site where the tree is located. Simple tools might be used.

Purpose: To gain basic knowledge of the general health condition of the tree in question. Any simple means of inspecting deeper into possible issues may be employed. This level of assessment is beneficial to have performed every few years to follow a trees possible change in condition.

Services Included:

  • All-around visual inspection of the tree(s) as well as site conditions that may affect the tree(s).
  • Soil Density Testing.
  • Identification of possible targets if tree failure occurred.
  • Mitigation plans to avoid impact with possible targets.
  • Use of basic tools such as binoculars, Magnifying glass, mallet, probe, trowel, etc.

Ideal Circumstances:

  • Desire a basic assessment of individual trees on your property.
  • Decide if you can keep the tree instead of removal.
  • To follow a tree's possible change in condition (when performed every few years).

The main limitation of this level of assessment is that it includes only conditions that can be detected or seen visually from standing on the ground.



This assessment option yields a much more in depth understanding of the tree and specific issues with it. Specialized equipment and services at this level will be used on an as-needed basis to look further into a specific area of concern with the tree or site. This level of assessment would usually follow a basic assessment where more information is desired than the basic assessment can achieve.

Purpose: To have the best knowledge of the state of a tree and its health condition as well as site details. With this level, the arborist can explore more in-depth into certain possible issues with the tree or site.

Possible Services Include:

  • Root Inspection and evaluation with a specialized air tool.
  • Aerial Inspection into any cavities or questionable areas in the canopy by means of climbing or UAV (drone).
  • Tree measurements will be recorded.
  • Crown foliage density rating.
  • Decay Testing.
  • Risk evaluation Chart.
  • Load Testing.
  • Identification of possible targets if tree failure occurred.
  • Use of a variety of specialized tools for specific purposes as needed to gain more knowledge of an issue.
  • Recommendations of mitigation by the arborist.

Ideal Circumstances:

  • Following a basic assessment to find out more information about a specific concern.
  • When issues are present high in the canopy and a simple visual inspection is unsuitable.

This level of assessment will give the homeowner the best idea of the risk level for their tree.


Having a tree Assessed is much less expensive than having a tree removed. So please contact us using the form on our home page to request a quote for Tree Risk Assessment. We offer these services throughout ALL of Connecticut. Knowing the state of your trees will allow you to make the best decisions for them going forward.


We do offer JUST our drone services as well.

Purpose: To obtain footage of individual trees or groups of trees.

Services Included:

  • Aerial Drone footage of stately trees.
  • Tree Inventories.

Reach out to use using our contact form on the home page to ask about our Drone services.